Sunday, August 21, 2016


Drs. Chris and Carol Green Connecting with the Unemployed of Their City

In October of 2015, Goodwill Ambassadors of World Peace and Urban Community Ambassadors, Chris and Carol Green began conducting a Life Coping Coaching workshop at EDSI - PA CareerLink® Capitol Region in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

EDSI operates the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) program, serving the unemployed and underemployed populations in Pennsylvania. Their core services include job readiness workshops, job search, job club and other career development topics.

This is the area where the Green's Life Coping Coaching workshops entered the picture. They were invited by the agency’s job recruiter to host a workshop that would encourage job seekers and give them more confidence in their job interviews.  This is where the community Life Coping Coaches seized the opportunity to give hope and restore dignity to those who are unemployed in the city.

"It's pretty hard to maintain your dignity when you're unemployed and dealing with one job interview rejection after another," Coach Chris Green said. "We had to think about how we would want to be treated if we were in the same situation. From our perspective, we were just thrilled to be able to move out beyond the walls of a church building and reach people who needed hope in a time of great despair."

After that first workshop, several attendees said the presentation gave them a new way to view themselves as they face a very tough job landscape.  The job recruiter was so pleased that she invited the Greens back to the Career Link facility the next month.

"Our second workshop was just before Thanksgiving so it was kind of tough, emotionally, for the participants," Coach Carol Green explained. "That month, we had a wonderful, engaging conversation as we explored various workplace personality profiles. We offered tips on how to work with conflicting personality types and how to improve one's own responses to others."

The session came alive with conversation, questions and comments.  During the session, the Greens introduced their Life Coping Coaching website and offered the opportunity for participants to attend their weekly group sessions.

The Career Link site-administrator sat in on part of the workshop and later proposed that the Greens return to conduct a session for her staff. Afterwards, the Community Life Coping Coaches were placed on the PA CareerLink® regular monthly schedule, establishing another successful step in their Golden Rule approach to uplifting lives in urban culture.

Drs. Chris and Carol Green were commissioned as Community Ambassadors and Global Leadership Ambassadors by IChange Nations™ and appointed Goodwill Ambassadors of World Peace by Golden Rule International. They founded the Fruitful Life Network and their unique Urban Life Family Coaching initiative, both of which are partnering with  iChange Nations™.


Dr, Janet Melwani

Dr. Janet Melwani is a Golden Rule World Peace Ambassador and part of the IChange Nations™ team. She pastors the Church of Many Water in Orlando, Florida with her husband Dr. Eric Melwani. She represents IChange Nations™ and the Golden Rule International all around the world.

In my fifteen years of experience as a Director of Human Resources I have dealt with many people, different situations and always have been a problem solver. I have had to make difficult decisions, involving education, career development, and employment termination for employees. Through it all the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," has been the foundation that made me a success as a Director of Human Resources.

From the corporate world to family life we interact with all sorts of people and build relationships that are meaningful and long lasting. I believe that the secret to longevity and success is in treating others well, with dignity and honor because that is how I expect others to treat me. We reap what we sow, if we sow seeds of honor we will be honored by others. Thus, environment of peace and harmony while building a strong nation.

This world will be a better place to live and full of harmony as we all learn to treat others the way we want to be treated. No one wants to be unappreciated and wronged. When we realize that everyone is valuable, unique, and is an extension of us we will treat others with dignity and handle them with care. Thus, we will build bridges, walk in healing and restorative power and encourage others to live a fulfilled life.

The Golden Rule approach is a dynamic structure for manifestations of peace, love, honor, hope and joy globally. It will create peace, goodwill and harmony and make the world a safer place to live. We have to demonstrate what we desire from others. Our children deserve to be raised in environments of peace, love, joy and harmony where they can visualize a bright future.  This can only happen as we live the Golden Rule by treating others the way we want to be treated. We must educate and instill this in the next generation to create a culture of peace, love, joy and harmony.

Finally, positive change can only happen through accepting personal responsibility for our choices and decisions.  Our thoughts and our words have to align with our desired action.  What we think or meditate on will be the words we speak.  The words we speak will manifest in our life and will shape us.  Our words are seeds which will bear fruit in our lives and the lives of people we influence. If we desire changes in our lives, we have to examine what we are speaking over our life.  Therefore, as we all live the Golden Rule we will see positive changes in our personal life and we will enjoy the benefits of it for years to come! 


Dr. Eric Melwani
Dr. Eric Melwani is a Golden Rule World Peace Ambassador and a Statesman with IChange Nations™. He travels around the world with the message of the value of life and the Golden Rule. He also pastors the Church of Many Waters in Orlando, Florida with his wife Dr. Janet Melwani. This article is written by Dr. Eric Melwani.

One of the greatest gifts given to mankind is the gift of life. I consider it a privilege to wake up every morning with thanksgiving in my mouth and to be able to celebrate life daily. I am appreciative of all the benefits of life and the value of it. I am grateful for the wonderful people in my life including my family and to be able to celebrate each other.

Life is very valuable and precious because it has been made in the image of our Creator. Every life has been beautifully created and carries purpose in it. Every life is amazingly unique and cannot be duplicated nor replicated because it carries it’s own distinct identity. Just as every fingerprint is unique and no one in the world has the same fingerprints. In the same way every life is valuable and unique because no one can be like the other.

Every life carries gifts and talents for the purpose of making a positive difference and the world a better place to live. Thus, life must be protected and celebrated. We must honor every person because every life is precious, valuable and has something to contribute to humanity.

We must celebrate other cultures, ethnicities and races of people because there is power and beauty in diversity. Every culture adds flavor to humanity as a whole and contributes to the value of life. Thus, we must celebrate the value of life and its expressions through diversities we encounter.

I was born in Kolkata, India and saw extreme poverty in the streets of Kolkata. It broke my heart seeing these precious children homeless and digging through garbage looking for morsels of food. It would hurt and bother me seeing the misery of these people as the monsoon rains would come down and flood many streets in Kolkata. Those living in the slum areas were greatly affected by the rain and poverty. I remember feeding the poor and doing humanitarian works even as a child touched deeply by the conditions of the poverty I saw in Kolkata.

Every life is valuable including those who are poor, destitute and homeless. Our situation and condition in life does not diminish the precious value of who we are. Our economic status does not determine our value. What we have does not determine who we are. We are priceless, precious, valuable and unique. Each one of us including the homeless, poor and forgotten matter to our Creator and every life is special and irreplaceable.

Every person deserves to be honored and respected. We must create the culture of honor everywhere we go. Whether it be in the slums of Kolkata, India or in the tribal areas where many have never ventured to go. All people are a gift who must be celebrated and honored.

Today, I want to encourage everyone to value life and cherish it by maximizing it through living a lifestyle of honor. Let us celebrate others by embracing others and their individuality. Let us celebrate others by helping others to reach their fullest potential. We are not in a competition with each other but rather every individual has their own assignment and we must help them to complete their assignments. We must work together for the common good of humanity and remember there is power in unity. Let us celebrate life today because all life is valuable.