Sunday, October 22, 2017


Lew Bayer - Civility Experts Worldwide

We are honored to present Lew Bayer with the highest honor given at iChange Nations™. The iChange Nations™ President Girma Wolde Gorgis Human Conservationist Award. This award is presented to individuals that have produced monumental change in the lives of people or systems around the world.

Lew Bayer is one of those highly esteemed individuals iChange Nations™ looks to nominate for this prestigious award. She is the Founder of Civility Experts Worldwide. Lew is on the cutting edge of Civility Training at an international level. She has dedicated years creating and producing the literacy to bring the skills of civility into society at every level. Her philosophies are tested and her skills training has produced life changing results in well over 30 nations of the world. Lew says, “Civility is its own reward”. She suggests that “In choosing civility, people find their best self, and in doing so, they experience the grace, courage, generosity, humanity, and humility that civility engenders.”  Lew Bayer is also a renowned author and speaker to audiences around the world.

Ambassador Clyde Rivers said, “I have never seen a person that has truly developed a solution through literacy; teaching skills for civility solutions to every generation. The message of Civility is needed around the world in epic proportions. iChange Nations™ is honored to be able to honor this international educator in civility, Lew Bayer.”

Everywhere Dr. Rivers and iChange Nations™ goes they find people doing good things to help mankind and people that are living the Golden Rule, “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” The combined efforts of the iChange Nations™ Honor System, the Golden Rule International Award System and others organizations and institutions we work with, have catapulted iChange Nations’™ to the top. Giving us the ability to say we are the “Largest Honoring Network Establishing Cultures of Honor in the World.” Soon to become the “World’s Strongest Voice to Help Change the Nations.”

Dr. Clyde Rivers is the Founder and President of iChange Nations™ a professional institution that builds Statesmen by equipping, mentoring and training highly esteemed individuals who have the desire to change nations throughout the world. The organization is seeking to bring global awareness by strategically helping nations to educate, train and support the Nation Building Process designed to improve the dignity and betterment of human life. This international platform focuses on establishing effective relationships to help people understand the value of honor and basic human rights.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017


Vice President of Guyana, the Honorable Sydney Allicock

The Vice President of Guyana, the Honorable Sydney Allicock, was honored with the iChange Nations™ Person of the Year award for South America in early June 2017. The award was received in Honorable Allicock's absence, by Errol Ross. Recognition of Honorable Allicock was brought to Dr. Clyde Rivers by iChange Nations™ Representative, Astell Collins.

Honorable Allicock was given this award for his commitment to empower the indigenous people in Guyana. He’s created an institute called Bina Hill Institute. It’s a skills development education that’s training the indigenous community in skills so they can produce jobs and make a better life for themselves and others. This is considered, by iChange Nations™, a “heroic institute” that the Honorable Sydney Allicock has put in place for his country. “The work that the Vice President of Indigenous People Affairs for Guyana, Sydney Allicock, is the type of work that is needed to help eradicate poverty from the world,” says Dr. Clyde Rivers.

Dr. Rivers continued to say, “To have such a leader in the country of Guyana and the world that is caring for the next generations is deserving of special recognition. iChange Nations™ has seen the fruit of this man’s labors for his country and believes he is worthy of being recognized as the iChange Nations™ Person of the Year Award, South America.”

In addition to this prestigious award, iChange Nations™ Person of the Year Award - South America, Honorable Allicock also received the iChange Nations Challenged Champions and Heroes™ Award for being a champion of the indigenous people of his nation. This award is given to men and women that are championing those with challenges in life. Rivers said, “Honorable Allicock is a strong example of a role model that is working hard to help such people in his nation and around the world by creating solutions to answer challenges.”

Golden Rule Dialogue Expert, Dr. Clyde Rivers, has put out a plea to every leader of the world. He asks, “Please, let us treat others the way we want to be treated, even as the Vice President of Guyana, Honorable Sydney Allicock, is doing for his nation and the world. We will only succeed in bringing peace and hope to this world when every individual born is able to bring their skills as a solution to the problems of the world.”

Dr. Clyde Rivers, Founder and President of iChange Nations™ said, “We have set our focus to thank the great people of the world that are preserving humanity, serving others, and making the world a better place. We had no idea how fast this Culture of Honor would grow but today we have reached 120 nations of the world through our honor systems. Everywhere we go we find people doing good things to help mankind and people that are living the Golden Rule, ‘Treat others the way you want to be treated.’ The combined efforts of the iChange Nations™ Honor System, the Golden Rule International Award System and others organizations and institutions we work with, have catapulted iChange Nations’™ Culture of Honor to the top. Giving us the ability to say we are the World’s Largest Honoring Network Establishing Cultures of Honor in the World.”

Dr. Clyde Rivers is the Founder and President of iChange Nationsa professional institution that builds Statesmen by equipping, mentoring and training highly esteemed individuals who have the desire to change nations throughout the world. The organization is seeking to bring global awareness by strategically helping nations to educate, train and support the Nation Building Process designed to improve the dignity and betterment of human life. This international platform focuses on establishing effective relationships to help people understand the value of honor and basic human rights.

Monday, May 15, 2017


Chuck Hughes, Donella Pitzl, Clyde Rivers,
Gordon Bradshaw
In Hammond, Indiana in April 2017, the Gary Chamber of Commerce Leadership Dr. Chuck Hughes and Dr. Gordon Bradshaw presented Dr. Clyde Rivers with Gary Chamber of Commerce Community Civility Counts Ambassador of the Year Award. Dr. Rivers was presented this award as a valuable contributor to the World Civility Day for his global work in the promoting of Community Civility Counts World Civility Day.

Dr. Clyde Rivers had been appointed Spokesperson for World Civility Day because of his global influence. Dr. Clyde Rivers and Dr. Donella Pitzl traveled to Africa and awarded the first iChange Nations™ World Civility Ambassador Award to Dr. Kenneth Kaunda Former President of Zambia Africa. He is one of the last living freedom fighters that helped Nelson Mandala and fought to liberate Africa from colonialism.

World Peace Ambassador Rivers commented, “It is a great privilege to receive this award from this honorable organization that has initiated a worldwide movement from the ingenuity of the Gary Chamber of Commerce. I’m truly honored. Thank you Dr. Chuck Hughes and Dr. Gordon Bradshaw.”

Dr. Rivers is the President and Founder of iChange Nations™, his organization that is dedicated to Bringing Back the Lost Art of Honor, training Statesman and propagating Golden Rule Dialogue and Golden Rule People Treatment around the world. It only seems appropriate that he would receive the first Gary Chamber of Commerce Community Civility Counts Ambassador of the Year Award, given by Dr. Chuck Hughes and Dr. Gordon Bradshaw of the Gary Indiana Chamber of Commerce.

Thursday, March 23, 2017


Ambassador Clyde Rivers with Prof. Jackson and Dr. Donella Pitzl

On the campus of Northern Kentucky University in Highland Heights, Kentucky in February 2017, Prof. Eric Jackson received the World Civility Award for his work in bringing Black History Studies to life around the world through his curriculum development and published works and bringing healthy civil dialogue to histories of different cultures. He’s worked with the NAACP and different cultural groups to help bring civil dialogue to historic issues. Prof. Jackson is highly esteemed by his students and colleagues alike. According to many he has a way of talking straight while bringing life and hope to people. Prof. Eric is a fine example of a true World Civility Awardee. The award was presented by Ambassador Clyde Rivers and Dr. Donella Pitzl in the company of friends and colleagues on the NKU campus.

Ambassador Clyde Rivers is the Spokesperson for World Civility Day. This was launched in 2016. Ambassador Rivers brought the Community Civility Counts resolution to a global stage. One of the first renowned recipients of the World Civility Award being, Former President of Zambia Africa, Dr. Kenneth Kaunda, one of the last living freedom fighters and an Icon for the continent of Africa. Chuck Hughes, Executive Director of the Gary Chamber of Commerce and Gordon Bradshaw, the Chambers Public Policy Chairman along with The Times Media Co. have been the biggest supporter of World Civility Day and Community Civility Counts Resolution.

Ambassador Rivers said, “To honor a man like Prof. Jackson with this award brings the level of the award to a new height. It is men like him that make a difference in this world and it is an honor to continue to search out and find people with a deep seated commitment to Civil Dialogue in helping mankind dwell in peace.”