Thursday, March 31, 2016


Gerald R. Ford Library
Standing Center, Dr. Clyde Rivers – Pres. ICN, Left Dr. Brian Williams –Vice Pres ICN
Seated Center, Dr. Reuben Egolf – Vice President ICN Human Rights Congress

IChange Nations™ believes there are great people in this world living to make the world a better place. The majority of these people have never been seen or recognized for their contribution to make the world a better place. IChange Nations™ is working to establish a Culture of Honor around the world that sees the greatness in others and awards achievements that are making a difference in the lives of mankind. 

In the last few years the IChange Nations™Culture of Honor has grown rapidly. As of today ICN has honored everyone from presidents and first ladies of nations to AT&T phone salesmen. The belief of IChange Nations™ is everyone, that is serving humanity in a positive way and making the world a better place by living the Golden Rule, ‘Treat others the way you want to be treated,’ should be recognized and honored for their service to mankind. We have been fortunate to partner with the Golden Rule International Awards System and several other organizations and institutions around the world. Together the World’s Largest Honoring Network Establishing a Culture of Honor has come into being – IChange Nations™.

Ambassador Dr. Clyde Rivers, Founder and President of IChange Nations™ stated, “I believe that if we are going to make the world a better place, people need to know and see other people doing good things. This gives us living examples to follow. We are honored to discover that IChange Nations™ is the World’s Largest Honoring Network Establishing the Culture of Honor in the World. IChange Nations™ is humbled by this great accomplishment but know that much more needs to be done around the world. Our commitment to the world is to continue to establish the ‘Law of Good’ – do good to others and good things will happen to you.” The Vice President of ICN, Dr. Brian Williams said, “We just created an organization looking to find good in people again. I’m overjoyed by this accomplishment.” When talking to the Executive Director of ICN Dr. Robin Lococo, she commented, “We just plug away everyday to get awards out all over the world. We are just blessed to be able to bring good news to the world.” 

Ambassador Dr. Clyde Rivers is the Founder and President of IChange Nationsa professional institution that builds Statesmen by equipping, mentoring and training highly esteemed individuals who have the desire to change nations throughout the world. The organization is seeking to bring global awareness by strategically helping nations to educate, train and support the Nation Building Process designed to improve the dignity and betterment of human life. This international platform focuses on establishing effective relationships to help people understand the value of honor and basic human rights.

Ambassador Clyde Rivers is the Representative for the Golden Rule International and the Interfaith Peace-Building Initiative, North American Division to the United Nations – New York. Interfaith Peace-Building Initiative is affiliated with the Department of Public Record (DPI) – United Nations as well as affiliated with the United Religious Initiative (URI), an Interfaith Peace organization.

The Golden Rule International Award is now established in 120 nations of the world. This organization seeks out top achievers that live the Golden Rule in their everyday life. This is a new global ethic that the leadership of the Golden Rule International Award, Patron, Former President of Ethiopia, Girma Wolde and Ambassador Mussie Hailu have embraced and are promoting globally.

Monday, March 14, 2016


Dr. Astell Collins w/Ambassador Clyde Rivers
Dr. Astell Collins of Guyana has been official appointed to the position of Global Representative for the Golden Rule International and Interfaith Peace-Building Initiative by Ambassador Clyde Rivers. Dr. Collins has openly shown his care for humanity around the world. His influence as a strategic and intentional leader has impacted lives by promoting the spirit of humanity and unity. He is the Chairman of the Board of Directors for Habitat for Humanity in his nation and has led an initiative to improve housing for the elderly, single parents and the differently-abled. Ambassador Rivers said, “Dr. Collins is a man of integrity that lives a lifestyle that exemplifies the Golden Rule, ‘Treat others the way you want to be treated.’ He believes every life is valuable and created for a purpose and contribution to our world. It is a great honor to have him as a Representative of our World Peace Initiative because he will represent our movement well across the globe.”

Ambassador Clyde Rivers, as the North American Representative for the Golden Rule International and Interfaith Peace-Building Initiative, is working around the world to move the message of the Golden Rule and a Culture of Honor. The Golden Rule International Award is now established in 120 nations of the world. This organization seeks out top achievers that live the Golden Rule in their everyday life. This is a new global ethic that the leadership of the Golden Rule International Award, Patron, Former President of Ethiopia, Girma Wolde and Ambassador Mussie Hailu have embraced and are promoting globally.

Ambassador Clyde Rivers is also the Representative for the Golden Rule International and the Interfaith Peace-Building Initiative, North American Division to the United Nations – New York. Interfaith Peace-Building Initiative is affiliated with the Department of Public Record (DPI) – United Nations as well as affiliated with the United Religious Initiative (URI), an Interfaith Peace organization.

Friday, March 11, 2016


Dr. Tom Musilli, Bishop Arthur Kitonga, Dr. Clyde Rivers, Dr. Nathan Kahara 

At a meeting of the United Graduate College and Seminary International Leadership Team in Kenya early in 2016, it was decided the Culture of Honor has played a large role in changing the mindset of education through our online Christian education institution. Our Honorary Doctorate Degree has been given to top individuals in the world. Our philosophy is that those that have gained their education by their life’s work and practical application are as skilled as those that have obtained their education through an education system. The United Graduate College and Seminary International African Leadership Team has discovered something very special. The individuals that have received a UGCSI Honorary Degree are at the top of their industries. 

This observation has caused us to decide to create a Skills Education Model that is based on practical experience. Turning this model into non-academic academia allows this Skills Education Model and Philosophy to redevelop the nations of the world with education that is proven to work for the betterment of people. United Graduate College and Seminary International is working hard to bring a new model of education worldwide. Education without practical engagement is not making our world a better place. At UGCSI we are dedicated to a better way. Professor Clyde Rivers, Chief Chancellor of UGCSI commented, “Our international leadership is graced with men like Dr. Tom Musilli, Founder and Executive Director of Computers for Schools Kenya who has rebuilt and distributed over 350,000 computers into Africa. Bishop Arthur Kitonga, Overseer of over 23,000 churches and Dr. Nathan Kahara, Former President of the Red Cross in Kenya. With these brilliant minds collaborating UGCSI is excited about developing this new education model.”

United Graduate College and Seminary International is in over 50 nations, has over 100,000 graduates and was founded in 1982 by Dr. Martin Wisor. It is a private International Christian College and Seminary. United Graduate College and Seminary International offers ministry training and ministry degrees through online Internet programs. We provide tools for students around the world seeking a practical Biblical education. Our students are located around the globe and represent many different cultures and people groups.